I had a fastidious weekend, as tends to be my habitual way of ploughing through a storm. The best cure for a dark spell, I always say is to bake! Conjuring up some chocolate cookies and giving some love to my Airi cosplay filled a Saturday with sweetness and light, some of which I thought I’d share here.

The cosplay is still in it's various pieces but the elements are coming together to form my dearest dream of playing a maid so there've been many hours of hand sewing, gathering lace and appliqué to make a monumentally moe ensemble! I can’t wait to be all finished so I may flounce about with feather dusters and scythes!

The cookies, in the shape of batfish (specially made for my family, diving enthusiasts) were a Martha Stewart creation ~
cocoa shortbread with white chocolate stripes, something I found on recipe recon this week.

How do you make a bishonen like Lelouch more delicious? Have him pose with dessert!!! (Lulu quite literally became sweeter post shoot. After sitting on the plate, ended up with a white chocolate frosting on his butt…)