Porcelaine Priss makes a tardy return to reviews with a gorgeous Gainax gal from Wave/Dreamtech.

Adored by collectors and cosplayers alike, Rittona Yoko has been the shiny red apple of the hobby sculptor’s eye since Tenga Toppa Gurren Lagann broke through heaven & into our hearts last year. Seeing exceptional immortalisations of this busty babe from the legendary
Vispo &
Polgonia, I burned to possess my own lovely Yoko-tan.What hit me harder than a blast with a positron rifle during Yoko’s debut in the first episode was just how daringly divergent her design is.
The balance of a buxom body, minimal attire and an audacious arsenal of weaponry is perhaps nothing revolutionary in anime character design but Yoko brings the booty to its highest summit.
Lavishly endowed with more flesh on show and in tow than convention commands, Yoko is a flame-licked Venus that has become the otaku’s goddess of plenty.

A fearless fighter and a hot-headed honey, Yoko has an irresistibly sweet heart and an innocence that belies the bawdy bikini style she favours.

When the Wave Web store posted preorders for this tasty little limited piece, I had set the sweetie square in my sights for sniping!

I like Wave, their works have the integrity of expressing a character’s charm and great consistency. I have always loved them for a continued connection to a pair of my enduring fangirl followings ~ Gainax and Yoshizaki Mine.

Yoko’s portrayal in this sculpt by Shima Masaru is uncommonly kawaii. The crouching pose makes her prettily puchi, her bright and shiny eyes illuminate the little face snuggled into her muffler. This genki gunner straps herself into tight for more combat ready capers.
Her rifle comes equipped with its own adjustable ribbon strap in cherry blossom pink. Like any good fashionista this sister, Yoko has her colours coordinated adding a little feminine touch to the heavy duty shooter strapped to her chest.

The purin plump body in the silky pink stockings is all strawberries and cream and totally delicious.
The sculpting shines in the sinuous curves of flame red hair that whip around her inviting the eye to trace a line down her spine to the sweet little peak of her derriere.

Finishing and moulding seams are little rough around the edges, nether amounting to material illusionary excellence nor intolerably shabbiness (this is in part, due to her scale that disguises more of those finicky issues). The one major design defect is the presence of a nasty seam that spans the underside of her iconic cleavage. While this is conveniently concealed by the pink strap of the sniper rifle it somewhat mars one of her most prominent points of appeal.
All in all, Yoko is cute where it really counts and if you can seek her out, she’s a sweet little hit for Lagann lovers everywhere!
Great pictures ^^ I'm happy you helped to get mine ^^
This edition limited by the WF is really made a success.
Beautiful pictures at least.
Thanks I feel like I still have such a long way to go with getting my technique together for taking great shots! I must do my best! This LTD Yoko may not be perfect but definately not a piece I regret buying whatsoever! She's just too cute ^o^
Where are you buy it please ??
PS: Sorry for my bad english...
Great shots! I'm loving the photography and the descriptions ^^. makes me want to buy one....with money I dont ahve o:)
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