Tuesday 18 September 2007

Sanji - Portraits of Pirates

Love cook! My very first high grade baby and the one who started it all – from the Mega House Portraits of Pirates – Sanji of One Piece.

This gourmet cad, the beautiful curly browed buccaneer serves himself as an irresistible platter of cool arrogance and flirtatious fire with the flair of excellence in both fighting and cooking. Ah ah! MOEEEE!!!

I do so admire a fine pair of stems and Sanji is all the more delectable in this pose that accentuates his leg length. I love this model, it has, despite progressions in the model production world not waned in my heart and he flourishes marvellously amongst the full blooms of chrysanthemums.
Mega House have keenly applied a golden rule of culinary success to this production; that often, to do justice to the finest ingredients they are best utilised and served with simplicity. Buon Appetito!

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